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Writer's pictureMya Ajanku

She Did The Dang Thang

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

💛There are a number of reasons why you could cry today.

💛 Choose if they will be tears of sorrow or tears of joy

💛There are numerous things we can’t control but none of them are your personal actions.

💛Do one thing today that brings you joy and possibly makes the world a better place

💛Be the good trouble that goes out and fucks the world up beautifully.

I woke this morning and said it's going to be a good day, and I know this because I can control my actions and reactions. It doesn't matter that everything I planned went differently than I planned. At the end of the day, my to-do list was done and each item became an adventure. This blog came out a desire to help. I believe that sharing my stories will help someone find the answer they are looking for. But let me tell you it's not always easy to keep up with the agreement I made with myself and the universe. My pre- COVID life was very structured and it was easy to find time to sit write, but this new norm is like trying to walk a straight line on jello. But I made a commitment, one blog post a week, which means only 52 posts a year which is much less than 365 posts in a year. I thought I chose the easy road, and now I remember easy is relative to the circumstance. The amount of uncertainty during these days are like a feast day for my anxiety, as I try to play the role of the calm cool headed professor and mother. I've found I have to give myself the same grace and patience I aim to offer others. So my posts are a little shorter than before, but they are done. So my post are appearing on Instagram before appearing in the blog, but they are done.

Are you seeing the trend, I am getting it done. They say life is the thing that happens between your plans, so I say plan to be in the moment otherwise I just might miss the lessons and the adventures.

Tell me about a time when life went opposite of your plan, how did you recover? What did you learn?

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